
Hello, Welcome!
My Name is Elizabeth Fullmer and my husband is James. We have 4 beautiful children. I was born and raised in Washington state and was a former Pharmacy Technician before I became a stay at home mom then a beachbody Coach.
This is about health, fitness and the motivation to get it done! I have always loved exercise and eating healthy, but I am not a professional. I have been to the GYM and hired personal trainers. I have also gone through personal trainers like “underwear” HA HA! I always had problems connecting with them and seeing results even though I did everything they said to do!
I became a coach for one reason I was drained and tired of drinking energy drinks to stay alive while my husband was at work for 10 hours a day. I hadn’t lost my baby weight after our 4th child and I was the biggest I have ever been. I tried to join the GYM again but when I entered our locate GYM it was going to cost an arm and a leg to get started. A whole handful of first, last and some registration fee. I couldn’t afford that!
I started on facebook. Looking for mommy groups, exercise groups and anyone or thing that would help me get out of this rut I was stuck in. I found my coach! ❤ I was in awe. I followed her for 3 months before I commented or let her know I was interested in what she was doing. After I messaged her and got some information I still wasn’t ready. It took me about 2 months to say “YES! I am in” I wasn’t sure about this “superfood shake” ( http://www.shakeology.com/fullmerfitness )  she was drinking. I did know that I liked shakes and was so ready for this change in my everyday life!
As you explore my blog please comment! I would love to hear from you! I am on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/fullmerfitness

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